Our environmental management

Sustainability at LB

Active environmental protection and environmentally conscious corporate management are part of our mission statement. Our aim is to preserve and conserve natural resources in all our activities and to eliminate harmful influences on the environment as far as possible. To this end, we are constantly developing and taking into account all environmental requirements and the ever-increasing demands on technology – and aligning our production accordingly.

We are ISO 14001 certified

We are a specialized company according to § 62 AwSV and environmental management certified according to ISO 14001. ISO 14001 has been a globally recognized basis for environmental management systems since 1996 and covers all aspects for continuous improvement of environmental performance. It defines the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an environmental management system.

We optimize all processes in terms of sustainability

Our plants operate in accordance with current environmental guidelines and ensure environmentally friendly, low-wastewater and energy-saving processes. Our company is a specialized company according to § 62 AwSV.

Electroplating is one of the most energy-intensive industries. We rise to the challenge of taking measures to save energy and implement them in a forward-looking manner. For example, we use process-related waste heat via heat exchangers to heat our production halls and administrative buildings.

Sustainability through the longer life of products

Our coatings ensure a long service life for your components and thus make a significant contribution to environmental protection and to saving raw materials from limited resources.